Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor Mad_Joe » 04 Feb 2017 19:02

Los politicuchos europeos prohibiendo armas para que no puedan comprarlas los terroristas (como si ellos fueran a las armerías, con su licencia de armas).

Mientras tanto, el ISIS recomienda asesinar con cuchillo a infieles en sitios solitarios, por la noche, gente sola que viene de trabajar, que estén haciendo deporte, etc, para después salir corriendo y volver a actuar en otro sitio o en otro momento.

Al final nos prohibirán salir a la calle a nosotros, que parece que somos los culpables de que esta gente sean unos asesinos... ... stab-them/

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor pgv1973 » 06 Feb 2017 08:59

fierabras escribió:De todo lo que comenta el compañero pgv1973 lo único con lo que discrepo es con esto:

pgv1973 escribió:El cabreo viene porque nuestros dirigentes no ven a la comunidad musulmana como un enemigo potencial sino como un granero de votos y mano de obra más o menos barata.

El día que el número de musulmanes en Europa sea significativo, y no tardará mucho, fundarán un partido para ellos y le votarán en masa. No esperéis que voten a los partidos tradicionales europeos, votarán a los suyos.

Eso es precisamente lo curioso de todo esto. Lo que yo he dicho es como lo ven "nuestros dirigentes" no como realmente será. Por alguna razón, desde los gobiernos europeos se percibe que la mano blanda con la inmigración equivale a la entrada de votantes de políticas socialdemócratas clásicas (impuestos altos, intervencionismo estatal, Administraciones Públicas con mucho peso, etc...).

Para ilustrar esto, tenéis el ejemplo de Trump. Independientemente de que estéis o no de acuerdo con sus planteamientos, pensad quién le ha votado y quién no le votará nunca...


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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor macthebar » 10 Feb 2017 21:10

Como va el asunto ? hay alguna novedad ? que este post no vaya a caer en el olvido, cualquier noticia es bienvenida :| :|

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor papaoso » 11 Feb 2017 22:06

Tranqui, los que caeremos en el olvido seremos nosotros por pura extinción.
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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor antares308 » 12 Feb 2017 11:23

papaoso escribió:Tranqui, los que caeremos en el olvido seremos nosotros por pura extinción.

Asi es por inanición del colectivo, casi 1.500.000 licencias y de esas licencias cuantos estamos dando por .......... ??????????.............ya lo dice el refran " entre todos la mataron y ella sola se murio " . :saluting-soldier:
El valiente ha sido valiente hasta que el cobarde ha querido.

Corrige al sabio y lo harás más sabio, corrige al necio y lo harás tu enemigo.

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor topp » 15 Feb 2017 09:45

Siempre nos quedara el golf... 8) y eso no lo van a prohibir... :D

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor papaoso » 15 Feb 2017 15:16

topp escribió:Siempre nos quedara el golf... 8) y eso no lo van a prohibir... :D

Lanzar pelotas a según que velocidades de m/s pueden ser peligrosas para la sociedad, lo prohibirán.
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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor antares308 » 25 Feb 2017 11:13

. :saluting-soldier:


Parece que la acción de los Lobbistas contratados por FU ha tenido cierta repercusión.

El resultado sigue siendo bastante insatisfactorio para nuestros intereses pero se han logrado algunas pequeñas matizaciones.

Por su interés reproducimos la carta en ingles.

Según vemos en la carta estas son son:

- Pruebas médicas a discreción de cada País. No hay obligación de chequeo cada 5 años como pretendía la comisión.

- No se prohiben las armas que se parezcan a "armas de guerra" por dicha prohibición basada en el aspecto absurda.

- Las armas semiautomáticas serán categoría A (prohibidas) solo si un cargador de alta capacidad (Superior a 20 cartuchos armas cortas o 10 largas) se introduce en ellas.

- Los tiradores deportivos, reservistas, coleccionistas y las personas que actualmente tengan cargadores de alta capacidad y armas semiautomáticas podrán poseer y seguir poseyendo las armas semiautomáticas con cargadores de alta capacidad (Categoría A- Prohibidas)

- Se permitira a los actuales poseedores de armas reconvertidas (CETME C) tenerlas en posesión, heredar o vender a otros usuarios.

- Los usuarios que practiquen deportes de tiro podrán poseer dichas armas.

Esta normativa se votará en el parlamento el día 14 de Marzo y la propuesta resultante se trasladará al Consejo de Ministros de los Países Miembros para su aprobación.

Thank you for coming to meet me last week. We discussed a number of points and I agreed to write this letter for you to pass on to your members.
There has been a European law on firearms since the 1990s. This did require reviewing, especially regarding the provisions for inadequately deactivated firearms. However the changes that were proposed by the European Commission in 2015 were unworkable and would have put disproportional restrictions on legal owners. There was a vote in the European Parliament Committee to reject the entire proposal but this was not supported by a majority. Instead the Committee proposed significant amendments in order to protect the interests of citizens.
It is not possible for the European Parliament to make these changes alone as it also needs the approval of the European Council which consists of national governments of the 28 different countries that are members of the EU. Many of these governments wanted to introduce even more new rules and did not accept the amendments from the Parliament.
Significant Amendments
During the months of scrutiny the Parliament worked with many different groups of legal owners and secured many very significant improvements to the proposal including:
Removing the restriction on items that "resemble" automatic firearms, as criteria based on cosmetic appearance is legally unworkable;
Reintroducing provisions to enable reservists, museums and collectors, and film makers to continue ownership with Member State approval and strict safety procedures;
Enabling re-enactors and holders of deactivated firearms to continue ownership whilst also ensuring that deactivation standards are robust across Europe. Technical issues with deactivation standards have been re-considered;
The issue of poorly deactivated "salute and acoustic weapons" which were sold without authorisation, but then reconverted and used in certain recent terror attacks has been addressed;
Provisions to support younger owners have been retained, as has recognition of the needs of those in remote rural areas;
Strong conditions for storage were introduced in line with common practice in many Member States;
Proposals for a controversial mandatory medical test have been removed, instead each country will need to have in place its own systems for medical assessment;
New measures for clearer marking and better information sharing between Member States are introduced but with care taken not to put overly burdensome requirements on small dealers.
Nevertheless there are some outstanding questions from owners.
Target and Sports Shooters
The European Parliament negotiators believe that people participating in target and sports shooting should be able to continue to do so, provided that this is accepted in the Member State concerned. The Commission's original approach would have placed many of the firearms used by target shooters into the Category A which is restricted for civilians. However after the Parliament amendments each Member State has the power to give Category A authorisations to target shooters, provided the individual is actively practising for or participating in shooting competitions.
The Parliament negotiators worked closely with national and international sports shooting organisations, including IPSC, to ensure that the authorisation covers those entering the sport as well as those already competing. The current freedom of choice of equipment used by competitors in their shooting disciplines can continue and, in order to facilitate continued participation in international competitions, the rules governing the European Firearms Pass will be updated to cover firearms, including Category A firearms, held by such target shooters.
Many firearms commonly used for sports shooting, such as centre-fire semi-automatics, are not themselves affected.
This is one of several areas where the Member States sought the inclusion of more rigid and less workable provisions, but this was rejected by the Parliament team. If target shooters are concerned about how the new proposals will work in practice they should work with the authorities in their own Member States as it will be a national decision whether or not to authorise such activities.
Magazines and loading devices
The European Council and the Commission both wanted to ban all high capacity magazines. The Parliament negotiating team did not support this. However the Council refused to accept that there should be no new limitations on magazines and loading devices. Here again the Member States sought more restrictive and less workable provisions which were rejected by the Parliament team. After much negotiation the following was offered:
Loading devices themselves, including magazines, are not restricted per se.
Semi-automatic centre fire firearms which allow the firing of more than A certain number of rounds without reloading will now become Category A firearms only if a loading device with a capacity exceeding a set number of rounds is inserted into it or is part of the firearm. For short firearms, the limit is at 20 rounds and for long firearms at 10. Target shooters, existing holders, collectors, reservists and certain other specialist users will be able to continue holding such firearms and use the higher capacity magazine provided their Member State agrees and issues them the appropriate Category A authorisation.
People who do not have a Category A authorisation but have a Category B firearm and who are also found in possession of a high capacity magazine will risk having their authorisation to hold firearms removed. There is no restriction in the Directive on re-applying for an authorisation in the future.
New purchases of high capacity magazines are restricted to those with a Category A authorisation.
Under the agreement Member States continue to have the ability to organise and protect their national reserve or public defence forces.
Member States will be able to give Category A authorisations to individuals for the protection of the security of critical infrastructure, commercial shipping, high-value convoys and sensitive premises, as well as for national defence. Member States may issue or permit the acquisition and possession of firearms for those purposes. This meets the needs of countries like Finland.
Armed forces, the police and certain public authorities are not regulated by the Directive and there is special recognition of the Swiss situation.
Collectors and Museums
The European Commission and the Council insisted that collectors and museums fall within the scope of the Directive under the revision, as in many Member States they are required to follow existing national rules already. Once in force, the Directive will require collectors to follow the same acquisition and possession rules as other firearms holders.
The Parliament negotiating team worked hard to secure a special authorisation for collectors to continue hold Category A firearms. Member States will therefore have the ability to give Category A authorisations in exceptional cases to collectors subject to strict security measures. These authorisations can be given when demonstrating good cause, which can be for historical and research purposes, as is the case for collectors licensed at present.
Firearms of particular historical importance will not be covered by the new marking requirements, nor will marking requirements apply to antiques.
The collection of ammunition is permitted and rules regarding the marking of ammunition have not changed.
Automatic firearms converted into semi-automatic firearms
The Parliament’s initial approach was that automatic firearms which have been converted into semi-automatic firearms should remain in Category B if the conversion was irreversible. However this was completely rejected by the Council and the Commission.
The Parliament team secured a grandfathering provision that will allow existing owners to continue to own, transfer, inherit or sell these firearms to others who have appropriate authorisation, provided their own Member State agrees.
These types of firearms will also be available to target and sports shooters who receive a Category A authorisations.
Next steps
The provisional deal needs to be voted by the full Parliament in an upcoming plenary session on 14 March and formally approved by the EU Council of Ministers.
There will also be a full debate in the chamber of the Parliament on the morning of 14 March, where MEPs from across Parliament will be able to speak on the matter. MEPs may table amendments to the negotiated position but if these are passed it does risk destabilising the entire package as the proposal is then returned for a "second reading". At this stage the Parliament is not so involved in the detailed negotiation and there is a risk that the Council reverts to its much more rigid approach.
In order to protect the rights of legal owners it is important to keep engaging with national governments as soon as possible and especially during the "transposition" process when governments update their own national laws. Individual Member States have the power and the flexibility to grant their own authorisations and exemptions for the many types of genuine legal owners. It is important that citizens hold their governments to account, and ensure that those powers are applied to the fullest extent. "
El valiente ha sido valiente hasta que el cobarde ha querido.

Corrige al sabio y lo harás más sabio, corrige al necio y lo harás tu enemigo.

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor KM_boy » 25 Feb 2017 11:37

Al final van matizando las cosas, aunque no deja de ser todo un despropósito. Lo que si que veo, al menos en lo que refiere a España, es que quien quiera practicar algún tipo de deporte con arma larga tendrá que tenerlas en la F, mas que nada porque si no no podrá adquirir los cargadores.

El resto esta mas o menos igual, al menos para nosotros, si bien es un retroceso democrático y de libertades civiles enorme en algunos países de Europa que si eran democráticos y donde vivían ciudadanos y no súbditos.
"When the government fears the people there is Liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor Jon_Garfio » 25 Feb 2017 13:25

Me temo que ciertos rifles SAUT (Ar, vz, etc) guiados en D peligran, toca pasarlos a F, pero esto para un cazador es una ruina.

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor NachoOA » 25 Feb 2017 13:53

Buenos días,

La carta de V. Ford dice que será necesaria la licencia de armas categoria A para los cargadores de alta capacidad, pero no para los cargadores en general. Teniendo en cuenta que en rifles semiautomáticos estamos limitados a cargadores de 4 para uso deportivo y cargadores de 2 para caza, no veo por qué no va a poder un cazador comprar cargadores exactamente igual que lo hacen ahora. Lo que deja patente es la desaparición del cargador de colección de venta libre. No se si me he saltado algún detalle en la lectura, pero no veo el argumento que impida que los rifles sigan en D y comprando cargadores de 2 para cazar, siguen estando en la categoría B.


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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor topp » 25 Feb 2017 16:12

En España ya tenemos la limitación desde hace mucho tiempo en caza y en el tiro deportivo con lo cual no nos afecta... si afectara aquellos países Europeos que gozaban de esos privilegios... pero aquí no. Además las armas que se venden en España tienen que estar limitadas yo los semis que he comprado siempre me ha venido el cargador limitado a dos balas si no les crujen la ICAE a las armerías y distribuidores.
Última edición por topp el 25 Feb 2017 17:45, editado 1 vez en total.

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor pyotr » 25 Feb 2017 17:42

A nosotros nos han pillado confesados como dice el refran,pero nuestros colegas suecos,eslovenos o checos se la van a meter doblada y sin vaselina.

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor elnani » 25 Feb 2017 18:10

Ya lo dejé puesto en tema general, pero flaco favor nos están haciendo los de la pagina CAZA&PESCA de facebook con sus camisetas.1 saludo.

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor papaoso » 25 Feb 2017 21:01

Algunos dais por hecho de que el conejo está en la olla, y el conejo aun no se ha cazado.
Recordad que antes de sacar una ley mas restrictiva siempre juegan al despiste antes enseñando una menos restrictiva.
Espero equivocarme.
Socio 1480 de ANARMA.
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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor JotaErre » 25 Feb 2017 21:14

La carta suena a "no nos quejemos, podría haber sido peor".

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor NachoOA » 27 Feb 2017 08:29

"There will also be a full debate in the chamber of the Parliament on the morning of 14 March, where MEPs from across Parliament will be able to speak on the matter. MEPs may table amendments to the negotiated position but if these are passed it does risk destabilising the entire package as the proposal is then returned for a "second reading". At this stage the Parliament is not so involved in the detailed negotiation and there is a risk that the Council reverts to its much more rigid approach."

Este párrafo es la leche, intentando meter miedo para que les digamos a los europarlamentarios contrarios a la prohibición que no peleen por nosotros, bajo amenaza velada de endurecer más el asunto.

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Re: Prohibición de fusiles semiautomáticos en la UE?

Mensajepor KM_boy » 27 Feb 2017 12:40

NachoOA escribió:"There will also be a full debate in the chamber of the Parliament on the morning of 14 March, where MEPs from across Parliament will be able to speak on the matter. MEPs may table amendments to the negotiated position but if these are passed it does risk destabilising the entire package as the proposal is then returned for a "second reading". At this stage the Parliament is not so involved in the detailed negotiation and there is a risk that the Council reverts to its much more rigid approach."

Este párrafo es la leche, intentando meter miedo para que les digamos a los europarlamentarios contrarios a la prohibición que no peleen por nosotros, bajo amenaza velada de endurecer más el asunto.

La Europa de las libertades y de la seguridad jurídica en su máximo esplendor.
"When the government fears the people there is Liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson

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